Baby Jessica - Famous Toddler in 1987

Jessica mcclure became the biggest star on TV at just 18 months old, but today, 'Baby' Jessica McClure is a stay-at-home mom of two.

She still lives near the site of her dramatic rescue on October 16, 1987 - 25 years ago today.
Millions around the world were glued to their televisions and praying for her safety as dozens of rescuers worked night and day to save Jessica McClure from inside an abandoned well.
During her 58-hour ordeal, kind-hearted viewers even donated money to help the little girl recover, which was placed into a trust fund.
She collected the fund's $800,000 on her 25th birthday last year.
Jessica intended to put the money towards a college fund for her two children - Simon and Sheyenne.

In October 1987, her father Lewis 'Chip' McClure and his wife, Reba 'Cissy' McClure, were poor teenagers struggling to make ends meet during the depths of the oil bust.
While visiting her sister, Jessica's mother left her in the yard while she went to answer the phone.
Moments later, Jessica came upon the 8-inch well opening and fell inside.
Her plight captivated an immense television audience. Alone and 22 feet below ground, Baby Jessica sang about Winnie the Pooh.
It was 'a nightmare that got worse and worse,' her father recalled in an interview last year.
When rescuers finally brought her to the surface, her head was bandaged.
She was covered with dirt and bruises, and her right palm was stuck to her face.

Man who rescued her died:
Paramedic Robert O'Donnell, battling posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of the arduous rescue effort and struggling to cope with the abrupt decline of the fame and recognition that had been lavished on him following his heroic act, committed suicide in 1995
People learn lesson:
From the day of this incident people started to close their own unused borewell with iron caps to ensure this type of incidents never ever happen with own concern.

Latest picture of her:

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