How to Teach a Machine? - Learning for Machine!

Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. It is seen as a subset of Artificial intelligence.

When i thought of an Idea about to teach a Machine, I came to know about Machine Learning and its Algorithms.

It is easy to say Robo's can work on its own, it care of all the works, it reduces the manual works.But in Reality it is not so as easy.

Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.

The best programming language for machine learning?

1)Python is the most popular, general purpose programming language suitable for a variety of tasks in machine learning.Python is the leader, with 57% of data scientists and machine learning developers using it and 33% preferring it over other languages for developments.



Difficulty in Machine Learning:

However, machine learning remains a relatively 'hard' problem. There is no doubt the science of advancing machine learning algorithms through research is difficult. It requires creativity, experimentation and tenacity.

Python is a more popular language over C++ for AI and leads with a 57% vote among developers. That is because Python is easy to learn and implement. With its many libraries, they can also be used for data analysis. 

Python and Artificial Intelligence(AI) - How do they relate?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by developers today. Guido Van Rossum created it in 1991 and ever since its inception has been one of the most widely used languages along with C++, Java, etc.

In our endeavour to identify what is the best programming language for AI and neural network, Python has taken a big lead. Let us look at why Artificial Intelligence with Python is one of the best ideas under the sun.

Features and Advantages of Python

- Python is an Interpreted language which in lay man’s terms means that it does not need to be compiled into machine language instruction before execution and can be used by the developer directly to run the program. This makes it comprehensive enough for the language to be interpreted by an emulator or a virtual machine on top of the native machine language which is what the hardware understands.

- It is a High-Level Programing language and can be used for complicated scenarios. High-level languages deal with variables, arrays, objects, complex arithmetic or Boolean expressions, and other abstract computer science concepts to make it more comprehensive thereby exponentially increasing its usability.

- Python is also a General-purpose programming language which means it can be used across domains and technologies.

- Python also features dynamic type system and automatic memory management supporting a wide variety of programming paradigms including object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural to name a few.

- Python is available for all Operating Systems and also has an open-source offering titled CPython which is garnering widespread popularity as well.

- Let us now look as to how using Python for Artificial Inelegance gives us an edge over other popular programming languages in Our Next Chapter. Thank you Guys comment Your Opinion

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