Is Wearing Mask Reduce The Supply of Oxygen ?

I have seen on WhatsApp forwards, Cautioning you about the dangers of wearing a face mask? Does wearing a face mask for long really prove dangerous for your health? 

Let see the truth here:

When i chat with my friend they keep asking about the WhatsApp forward and asking whether it is true or not. Not everything which comes on the forward messages are true. But we have to know which are the facts are true.

Wearing Face Mask:

Just like we wear our shoes before leaving our house, wearing a mask has become equally important due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some people say wearing a face mask can reduce the intake of oxygen or can force one to inhale their own carbon dioxide. This can leave them to feel sick and difficluty in breathing.

Lets Check why this speculation Comes:

A driver crashed his SUV into a pole in New Jersey on April 23 and blamed his collision on his mask. On interrogation, the driver told the police he passed out because he had been wearing mask an N95 for too long. The officers believed him and also posted on Facebook that he passed out due to insufficient oxygen/excessive carbon dioxide intake, warning other people.

The police department later cleared that they didn't know "with 100 per cent certainty" that "excessive wearing" of N95 mask was the contributing factor for the accident. They stated that “it is certainly possible that some other medical reason could have contributed to the driver passing out.”

This created the speculation among the people.

Lets Check with the truth here:

The question arises that is it possible that wearing a face mas can cause someone to build up so much carbon dioxide and get so little oxygen that they pass out or lead to worse outcomes?

Let first see about carbon di oxide to check it further!

Inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide may be life-threatening. Hypercapnia, the carbon dioxide toxicity can cause headache, double vision, vertigo, difficulty in concentrate, seizures and suffocation due to the displacement of air.

The concentration level of carbon dioxide has to be very high in order to really cause any harm. Around 0.4 per cent of carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere. To become dangerous the concentration has been to around 10 per cent.

We humans breathe in Oxygen and breathe out carbon di oxide, In some polluted areas we may breathe in carbon di oxide too.

Too much of co2 can cause much of respiratory problem.

Many people believe that wearing of mask can block the oxygen and inject our own carbondioxide in our body. For example, if When you hold your breath, you wind up with too much carbon dioxide. Thats may cause you to death.

People now merge this relation into wearing mask.

Can face masks be dangerous?

All face masks are not made equal. The extent to which a mask can affect carbon dioxide depends on what it is made of and how tightly you are wearing it. We cant wear plastic for more times similarly The N95 mask might be uncomfortable and restrictive and may affect your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels if worn for very long hours, but remember they are primarily for frontline workers. Talking about cloth mask, there are very little chances of breathing issues. Just make sure to cover your mouth properly and the mask should be well fitted, while ensuring that it does not suffocate you.

Everything which you not using properly can result in anything, but remember these are the frontline saviours from virus.

we can putt-off the mask: 

-While you are driving alone in the car with AC on

- When you are at home

- When you are self-isolating

Make sure of wearing mask approriately as per guidelines , Be safe . Together we fight to get the virus out with the frontline warrior masks.

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