Nepotism in General


Nepotism is generally favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business, Entertainment, Sports and Politics.

Example of Nepotism:

Nepotism is the practice of favoritism based on kinship, like when the coach chooses his own kid to be the quarterback even if his kid stinks at football.

Is this Nepotism Crime:

Nepotism specifically refers to scenarios in which the related employee simply isn't fit for the position, or unfairly advantaged in the workplace. Nepotism isn't illegal as such in the private sector (there are stricter regulations for the public sector).

Philosophers on Nepotism:

Nepotism has been criticized since the ancient times by several philosophers, including Aristotle, Valluvar, and Confucius. For instance, the ancient Indian philosopher Valluvar condemned nepotism as both evil and unwise.

In brief, In the second book of the Kural literature, which forms a manual for governments and corporations, Valluvar suggests about nepotism and favouritism thus: "If you choose an unfit person for your job just because you love and you like him, he will lead you to endless follies." According to him, nepotism is both evil and unwise.

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