Cognitive intelligence Advance

Ways to improve cognitive intelligence:
1) Exercise regularly to keep fit
2) do two or more activity like watch TV and use mobile
3)Daily learn one activity
4)Solve the puzzles
5)Be a Learner
6)Play video games and mind games
7)think from brain not by heart

Signs of Cognitive Impairment:
3)Loss of Memory
4)Less Coordination between mind and body

Cognitive Ability:

Ability to learn speech,read and write kept in memory in quick time for longer period.
Father of cognitive pyschology:
Ulric Neisser is know as father of cognitive pyschology. He found out how cognitive intelligence affect or act in one person.

How it can be differentiate from one to another.By one person to other person,one day to other day,one subject to other.

Combination with Robots:
Cognitive intelligence refers as natural intelligence in man or animal in order to perform an operation in efficient manner.
Nowadays this intelligence is complexed with Robots to perform mulitple operation and to reduce the man power.


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