Possessiveness in Relationships

The problem with love is possessiveness. It happens in any relationship where true love on one another takes place.

Basic Difference between love and possessiveness:
Possessive states that you want to be happy with her wherelse love defined as you want to be happy for her.

Once Buddha said "if u like a flower you just plucked it , but if u love a flower you water it daily"

True love always pray God or wishes that the one whom we loved be blessed with all happiness even without you.

In alternative possessive nature thinks that you should be the reason that's the only difference.

People thinks about possessiveness:
Many people thinks that possessiveness is the outcome of true love. It may be true at sometimes. But too much of possessive may acts as a root cause of failure in relationship.

Relationship - Possessive:
Each and every relationship have possessiveness especially when you have fear of losing someone.

How to overcome possessiveness:
1) Trust your partner and yourself
2)forget your past
3)don't be overbearing
4)know each other friends
5)live your own life


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