Mysterious Island - Story : Roja in Buried Cave

Roja took a Small stone of its kind which is sized to size  of her palm and keep in the hand bag. She get back to her room to made the research on the stone up to her knowledge. The Stone is Sculptured with design of Rose flower grown on the rock. She Rewind her memories to the Pond where she a saw a stone similar to that , On owe to the situation  that day she did not think about that and ask anything related about that to the Stranger.

She now in need to identify this, Already police started investigate her and besides that the stranger also died.

She want to get back to the location where her purse and hand bag fell in the pond. She took a taxi from her location and start the ride to back to the location.

She Inform Police about that Information as they already seek her entry of location daily. She reached that pond. It was also a sunny day. Some tourists enjoy their day as like always. She find the Bridge where her hand bag fell into the pond. She feel sorry for the foreigner who helped her in that situation.

She saw the same sculpture stones near to the bridge. Infact the Bridge is also sculptured with the same design. She slowly walk along the stones near to the bridge. Inbetween a large stone were sculptured and surrounded by chalk marks and note board describe not to touch. She identifies this was the location were the stranger died.

She slowly walk along all the stones.Suddenly she notices there was a big tree behind one stone. She went near to the tree. In the trunk there was a mark of rose which decribes an arrow mark thats show the direction of the Old temple.

She also went to the old temple which located nearby this place earlier. But that location looks quite.

She again had the thought of going to that temple. Her mind is full of eagerness of knowing what is in it?

Roja get in to the temple but this time very silently compared to her previous visit of joyness. She was surprised to see the old man who she hit in her last near to the bridge. she hide herself near an steps and saw the old man.

He was counting the coins. He looks like a poor, Little begger. So she that he was counting coins.

But she was wrong. He counts the collection of Diamond and put them in the small purse and went near statue in the temple. He checked whether anyone watching him. After few minutes, he took a hammer behind the statue and place on the hand of statue.

Suddenly a door open in the underground. He just went in to it. In few minutes he came up and took the hammer from the statue and placed behind again and went out of the temple.

Roja gone near the place to do the same. The secret door opens. She get in to that place. That place looks so dark. There she saw a locker , She guess that place may be the one where that old man placed the diamonds. She went near that locker mistakenly she touched the wall, that wall looks old, it broked and she fell in to deep bit.

She got fear Shouted loudly that place looks so dark no one hear her sound. Now She found herself in Buried Cave.

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