Unity in Diversity - Religious United

India is the Land of Unity in Diversity.  We all know we have different cultured people from place to other but united by the term so called Indians.

It has number of religious and caste sub between us. Yet we united.


a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Atheist May not have Belief in the existence of God. The Atheist form in some place change in to Rationalist.


a person who bases their opinions and actions on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

There is minor difference between these both things, Rationalist search for Reason why it happened does not go to the emotional content.

Being a Rationalist You may describe the Stupidity content Each of Religions Follow, Not Particular to the Single Religion.


a person who believes in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe.

They Believes there is a creator we must follow him and Believe in one or more particular religion.


An agnostic theist believes in the existence of a God or gods.Agnostics assert that it's impossible for human beings to know anything about how the universe was created and if divine beings exist. They Believe there is some power beyond the control of humans but they not followed any religions.

In the Final Note You may be a atheist , Rationalist, Theist or Agnostic But never Ever disgrade other belief thats the main thing.

You have rights to describe the stupidity but not the belief they had.

There is a slight difference between the Stupidity and belief:

Hope this Example will make you people understand in efficient manner, Tomorrow we had Exams So we start preparing for it . Instead of Preparing for exams, simply sitting and eating then Just praying to your belief and Attend the exams just resemble your Stupidity.

Instead of it Read well and Start preparing till you understand the concepts and Pray to your Belief and Sleep well.

Morning Recap well and Attend those exams and thank to your belief for made you write your exams well , Which will make you sense. You were feel positive while you believe in something that may be god.

This makes you more thesist and as a successful too.

If you are on other side, You may believe in anything other than science. Its scientifically proven One Who sleeps well and Learn before bed and after Bed can make better scores. So you may determine in your views whiles preparing by not Underestimate other beliefs to attain their confidence from their belief.

At the end, we are all humans, Just be Friendly never hurt others and their belief.

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