Proudest Fact Will Suprised You to Know About India

India introduced shampoo to the world

Among many facts about India, this one is the biggest source of amazement. The first ever shampoo was used by locals in India. Dried Indian gooseberry mixed with many other herbs was used to wash hair, a recipe that is still used in the country today. The word ‘shampoo’ is derived from the Hindi word, champo.

The earliest diamond in the world was mined in India

It is believed that the first ever diamond recognized and mined was found in India among huge alluvial deposits of the stone on the bank of rivers Krishna and Godavari. Some of the world’s biggest diamonds, today, were also found in India.

The highest cricket ground can be found here

Another shocking fact about India is that the Chail Cricket Ground in Chail, Himachal Pradesh is the highest cricket ground in the world. It is part of the famous Chail Military School built in the 19th century and sits at an altitude of 2,444 metres.

The woman nicknamed ‘the human calculator’ is from India

Shakuntala Devi from Bengaluru city in India earned a mention in the 1982 Guinness Book of World Records when she multiplied two, thirteen digit numbers and gave the correct answer in 28 seconds. 

India was the first country to produce sugar

India has been producing sugar since ancient times. People in the Indian subcontinent were the first to discover the use of sugarcane and its properties in medicine and food.

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